The long-lost Racer that reappeared...
Dave Pearce of Tigcraft came from racing his own bikes- amongst others a Norton Manx- to building racing and prototype chassis, so it was only logical the new C652 chassis found its way on the racetracks.
At the time Dave ran Tigcraft as a little workshop, and one of his assistants was Gary Cotterell, later to pursue his own brief career as a racing chassis builder.
Gary and Steve Marlow raced two C652s, in the first season under the Norton trademark, in the British and the European Sound of Singles ("SOS") championships.
They ended up in 2nd and third place in the British, and 3rd and fourth position in the European championship in 1998.
In 1999, after having parted company with Tigcraft, Cotterell continued to race his bike, then calling it a "GCR" (Gary Cotterell Racing).