TR6C Fork Parts & Steering Damper, Handlebar Mountings
Click on any parts highlighted red below to get more information or to add them to your shopping basket.
Parts contained
quantity required: 4
in stock
part-no: 60.23306
Ch/hd bolt 5/16UNF x 1 1/8"
quantity required: 4
in stock
part-no: 21.05897
steering damper rod c/w knob
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 97.11429
Damper rod screw
in stock
part-no: 97.040810
Spring plate *
in stock
part-no: 97.009511
plate steering damper anchor k
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 97.179712
Fork yoke nut (strng damper)
in stock
part-no: 97.210814
Friction disc steering damper
in stock
part-no: 97.043515
spring forks -70 heavy (97.3651) k
quantity required: 2
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 97.189217
Washer distance
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 82.133518
Clamp bolt h/bar (97.1340)
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 97.043619
Washer h/bar mounting
quantity required: 4
in stock
part-no: 97.152921
Rubber washer h/bar mntg
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 97.158022
Spacer h/bar mtg
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 97.158123
Cupped washer (83.5616) (83.3814)
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 82.381424
bush h/bar clamp for handlebar-mounted windscreen
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 97.1616